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Our vision

Touching hearts, changing mindsets, changing behavior, changing culture, bringing transformation


This vision includes an equipping and training, counseling rooms, prayer and healing rooms– a place of refuge for the hurting, sick, lost, and bound. We also envision a host site for anointed speakers and teachers that provide kingdom thinking principles based on the 5-fold ministry model. Resources are available in our bookstore. This vision is only a piece of the bigger plan that God has to enrich and empower the lives of those He loves so deeply. 


Empowering Life Center hosts The Gathering which is not designed to be a typical church. Our government is different, our focus is different and our operation is different. Most churches are set up as a destination but we are set up as a launching pad. It’s not about going to, it is about moving out. A typical church cares for the sheep and that is important but we are called to raise up an army and mobilize it and equip others to minister. We are not called to retain, we are called to release.


We are not asking you to fit in to our programs, we desire to help you discover your God given purpose and then do everything we can to train, equip, empower and release you into your destiny. We are not about building an organization or a church. We are interested in building the Kingdom of God, one heart, one individual at a time releasing you into your destiny.  We will raise up Five Fold Ministers that are strategists, builders, and connecters with evangelistic, pastoral, prophetic gifting. Our goal is to take spiritual territory and affect community. Empowering Life is not designed to be program oriented, we reach, heal, set free, train, equip, empower and release. 


We exist to serve others by Empowering Life through:


The Gathering

The Gathering is a place for individuals to come together to experience and have an encounter with almighty God. This is done by recognizing and welcoming the presence of the Holy Spirit. Our worship time is intentional through creating an atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to move freely in our midst through His manifest presence and through trained and equipped individuals that are accountable to leadership. We highly value the word of God being declared and demonstrated through; preaching, teaching, the gifts of the Spirit and laying on of hands. Through the Gathering, we assist those in need through our outreach activities and financial support.   For more information go to


Empowering Life Counseling Center

We currently have three counselors available.  Check out our counselor page for more information.


Empowering Life Equipping 

Our vision is to help individuals discover their God given purpose; bring clarity to that purpose so they can be intentional. Once the individuals know their purposes then we do everything we can to train, equip, resource, connect, empower and release them into their destiny.  Training & Courses available can be found on our event page and online courses are found on

"We have access to God by faith.  With faith we can step into the realm of all things are possible.  With fresh expectation and fresh faith, it is time to rise up and step into all that God has for us."

Lois Flewelling


"There is nothing impossible with God."  Luke 1:37

Our Mission

Our Core Values

Our Commitment is: To God and to His Word and is reflected in everything we do in life and ministry. To Integrity as we strive towards Christian character and demonstrate a Christ-like manner in our lives. To Biblical Worldview, we understand that we are representatives of God, carrying His presence into every arena of life. To Personal Destiny that was ordained by God for each individual (Jer 29:11). Part of our mandate as ministers is to assist others in carrying out their destiny.To Covenant Relationship by cultivating deep relationships that aid in fulfilling our life purpose. To Intercession and Spiritual Warfare that is brought about by a passionate personal relationship with Christ. It is only through the power of God, that the enemy is defeated. To a Spirit of Excellence so that our lives should bring honor to the Lord in all we do, whether in business, ministry or our personal lives.To Team Ministry enabling an increase in gifting and anointing when operating as a team.


Our Statement of Belief

We Believe: 

In one God, the Creator of all things, existing in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

That Jesus Christ is God, the Son, in human flesh.

That the Bible is the absolute trustworthy, supernaturally-inspired Word of God.

That the human race is sinful and separated from God because of our sin.

That God has made salvation possible through Jesus Christ and offers it freely to all who will place their trust and faith in Christ.

That the Holy Spirit dwells in every true believer, equipping and releasing believers with gifts of God’s grace to enable them to be His loving witnesses in this world.

That the church consists of all who put their faith in Jesus Christ. The church exists to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ and further advance His Kingdom by undoing the works of the enemy, preaching and living the good news of God’s love, discipling the nations, baptizing and teaching them to love and obey God.

That God is continually restoring truths and light to his Church through revelation. However, each must be substantiated according to the Scriptures.

That Jesus will return again bringing God’s purpose in this world to completion.

We Need Your Support Today!

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